Tag Archives: Dieting

Body Rant

This is one of my favorite shirts and it’s actually one that I stole from my cousin lol. For some reason most of my favorite shirts tend to be busted old t-shirts; I don’t know maybe it’s because they fit the best. Anyway, I wore this when I went to the gym a few hours ago and felt the need to take a picture of it before I went down (notice my bikini in the top lol). NO Goals, NO Glory.

Damn straight.

Well people, I FINALLY have started working out again, which is simply embarassing to say because THERE IS A 24/7 GYM IN MY BUILDING. I hadn’t gone regularly working out since October, which was the last time I was on a diet (before this run). I stopped going and gave up on my diet and on myself for a minute because I was so obsessed with losing weight that I would be intaking very low calories and working out too damn much. I had read you can work out too much, but I didn’t believe it. I mean I’d be in the gym like, 2-3 hours every day just fucking going. And it got to a point where I wasn’t losing any weight no matter the fact that I was eating well. I now reckon that I was probably turning fat into muscle, therefore my non-weightloss and even weight gain. Long story short, I got off the diet and got back to my highest weight again (which I had peaked the beginning of my senior year in HS). After HS I lost a lot of weight, met a boy, he broke my heart and I lost myself for a minute. I was back in business a few months later but had still lost some confidence, not to mention my move to my aunts house where I proceeded to gain 20lbs. Sigh.

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Thinspiration is here!

Sup guys, I’m currently on the LIRR right now and decided, why not make a post…? And I’m doing all of this from my cell phone, isn’t technology crazy??

Anyway, my thinspiration arrived today: my bikini! It’s even cuter in person and I tried it on and guess what? I LOOKED TERRIBLE IN IT!!! Does that sound like I’m happy about it? Lol well I’m not but it gave me that extra “mmph!” to go on. I was happy with the numbers on the scale today and I’m perfectly on schedule (at this point) for my March 7th goal. I set loose weekly mini-goals but the first landmark is March 7th.

I hung up the bikini on my full-length mirror (which is by the fridge) so I can keep my eyes on the prize. I’ll see it every time I go over to the fridge and every time I leave to go out.

Oh and not to worry all, I know I’m very vague about my weight/pants size/etc and haven’t posted pics but that’s just for right now. Know that I HAVE been documenting my weight loss journey with pictures AND video that of course at the end of all this I will make a compilation video (and probably a super long how-to post) so hopefully I can inspire someone else to be the best of themselves they can be. Hey who knows? I could be someones extra last little shove to lose the weight.

Last night Camille showed me a pic of this girl she knew (and I knew vaguely too) and the girl used to be big and she lost AT LEAST 50lbs! I was seriously like W:OW when I saw her. Just more fuel to the fire! If she can do it, so can I and so can YOU!!!!

Ice Cream and Academic Probation

I almost lost my shit today.

I was in the Atlantic Mall applying places and looking for places to apply today so I could get another job (if you know anywhere, let a sista know!!) and as I was leaving I saw one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen… Cold Stone’s Churro Caramel Cave. I almost lost it. No. NO. You don’t understand. I walked by the place twice, the first time I tried to get away as fast as possible as soon as I saw that fucking thing. OMG it has 3 of my #1 FAVORITE sweet things…


But no jokes, the first time I walked away then somehow I ended back over by that stupid fucking store and I stared blindly at the sign LITERALLY for close to a minute. That doesn’t sound long? Well then get off the computer, go over to the wall and stare at it for an entire minute–that’s a long ass fucking time! This heaping pile of heaven Continue reading

Pounding Pavement.

So tomorrow I start back my diet again, wish me luck!

I will be pounding pavement once again, from Chinatown to 42nd street, though I’ll likely be going to 49th. I’ve got a fridge full of healthy foods and disposed of all garbage.

Let’s go!

Fallen off the wagon.

Guys, I have fallen off the wagon. 😦

Being in Delaware, as usual when I’m on a diet, has set me back in my weightloss ‘Journey to Sexy.’ It has a lot to do with how my father has run the household since we were kids: he was a single parent, I went to school in the city (30 mins from home), my dad got out of work late and we often ate out… needless to say, such a habit has continued into my adult years. I have found the only way effective for me to lose weight is to stay my ass in New York.

Anyway, it brings me regret to inform you I have gained back the weight I lost. This fact makes me sad, but it also gives me encouragement to take my ass back home and work twice as hard to get it off. On Monday, it will be 2 weeks before I must return to school, in which time I plan to lose close to 20lbs. I know my body, and I know for a fact that as soon as I get back to NY and go back to how I was regularly eating (under 2,000 calories per day [non-diet]) I will drop 5lbs, trust me, I’ve been struggling with my weight for years, I know what I’m talking about. From there, I will then work my ass off to lose the last 15 (roughlt 7lbs per week) until school.

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Meeting TearsNoMore87!

Sup y’all!

Just wanted to post my latest video where I meet TearsNoMore87! We became friends through Youtube–amazing. Lol. She’s my first Youtube friend, though of course I have acquaintances on there. Here is a video of us in the car, it’s a bunch of bullshit but watch it anyway ’cause I say so!

And isn’t that picture above great?! I saw it while walking towards St. Marks, I forget what street it was on but I thought it was great and is really appropriate to my life right now lol. Girlfriend looks ferocious!

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